Women’s Health Therapy

Our commitment to physical therapy for women’s health starts with a specialized group of Physical Therapists with training specifically for the treatment and education of women’s health issues. Our team provides physical therapy care to women with pelvic pain or dysfunction. As a patient, you will receive the best one-on-one care in a private setting to help get you back to enjoying the activities that you love. CACC Physical Therapists are experienced and caring clinicians that women can trust.

We start with a physical therapy women’s health evaluation, which includes discussing the history of the problem(s), experiences with pain, previous treatment, and functional limitations. We then assess muscle strength, posture, and movement patterns. An internal pelvic floor assessment may also be completed based on comfort level and consent. After this information is collected, our therapists will develop a treatment plan and goals.

  • Private – One-on-One
  • Safe Secure Setting
  • Comprehensive Evaluation
  • Individualized Multi-modal Care

We specialize in treating the following conditions:

Urinary Incontinence – Treatments for both stress and urge incontinence include strengthening exercises for weakened pelvic floor muscles, education on fluid, diet, lifestyle modifications, and biofeedback training.

Chronic Pelvic Pain – Treatments include muscle re-education/strengthening/relaxation exercises. Functional activity of daily living alternatives, postural education, soft tissue massage, spinal/pelvic alignment corrections, and biofeedback training.

Sacral Dysfunction – Treatments include manual techniques/mobilizations/muscle energy techniques, flexibility for the lower back/lower extremity muscles, strengthening of core/hip stabilizers and pelvic floor, and patient education.

Pregnancy and Postpartum – Many changes occur to the body during pregnancy, and some of them result in pain and discomfort. The therapists at CACC Physical Therapy are experts at evaluating and treating pregnancy-related conditions such as diastasis recti, prolapse, carpal tunnel syndrome, sacroiliac joint dysfunction, low-back pain and “sciatica,” pubic symphysis dysfunction, and coccyx (tailbone) injury.